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Visio Mirrored Putting Gate

Visio Mirrored Putting Gate

Visio Mirrored Putting Gate

Visio Mirrored Putting Gate

This article is going to focus on the mirrored putting gate, exploring its benefits, features and how you can use a putting gate to improve your putting. The mirrored putting gate is an innovative training aid that combines the feedback from a mirror to help with setup, alignment and head position along with a putting gate that helps to improve your putting stroke by providing precise feedback on starting line, face angle, green reading and also speed control. Read on to discover more.

Putting Gates and Putting Mirrors

Putting gates are great training aids to improve putting and enable effective putting practice, see our article on the Visio Putting Gate Pack. Also Putting Mirrors are also superbly effective golf training aids, see our article on the Visio Putting Mirror. The Visio Mirrored Putting Gate is a putting aid that combines the benefits of a putting mirror and putting gates into one innovative putting training aid.


Putting Start Line

One of the most important skills that you need to develop to become a great putter is the ability to start the ball on your intended line. And the mirrored putting gate is going to give you great feedback on that ability. The mirrored putting gate comes with a set of steel pins and the steel pins can be located on specifically located magnets on the device, we’ve got three sets of magnets, they offer three very different challenges in terms of that start line. If the pins are placed on the first set of magnets closest to the ball, then we’re going to need less than one degree of error. If the pins are placed on the middle set of magnets, we’re going to need less than 0.75 degrees of error. And then finally, if the pins are placed on the outer magnets furthest from the ball, then we’re going to need less than 0.5 degrees of error in our startline to not clip those magnets. This creates a putting gate that we can set at varying degrees of difficulty to challenge accuracy and practice with purpose.

Other features of the mirrored putting gate include a black circle and groove for consistent ball position. And also we’ve got a black centre line, which is the full length of the device and that’s going to help you align the device to your target.

We’ve also got four holes in the outer areas of the device, which will allow us to fix the device to the ground with a tee peg when using the mirrored putting gate on a putting green.

Mirrored Putting Gate

Improving Putting Start Line

So let’s explore how we can use the mirrored putting gate to help improve our start line. The first thing that we need to do is find a straight putt, and then align the device so that the black line is perfectly located in line with your ball to target line.

Obviously, you can stand behind, you might even use the shaft of your putter to align the Visio mirrored putting gate to your target, then we’re going to place the ball in that black circle on that groove. So we’ve got a consistent ball position directly in the middle of the device. From here, just take your normal setup position, and we can address the putter to the side. Because the putting gate is sat slightly on the floor, then it gives us great feedback on our alignment because we can place the putter directly flush to the device, so as to get a sense of what square to that target line would look like. 

Now when making a putt if you clip the left magnet of the putting gate with the ball, you know that the clubface is either closed or the ball was struck out of the heel of the putter face. And you have a left bias. If you hit the right magnet of the putting gate, you know there’s a push and that’s going to come from either an open clubface or a toe strike. So you get immediate feedback on your start line and what your bias could be.

Then that’s going to help you work on your stroke and improve your stroke over time. Once you’ve done that on a straight putt, then very easily you can take the mirrored putting gate onto a breaking putt. So on a breaking putt, obviously what have to do first, is you have to read the putt. First of all, pick an aim point where you’re going to align the putting gate to. And then you can attempt to strike the ball through the gate and see if you can start the ball on your line. Now using the mirrored putting gate on breaking putts, is going to give you really good feedback on your green reading because you’re going to have to align the device correctly in order to start the ball through the magnetic pins and the ball to go into the hole. So not only are you going to get feedback on startline, but you’re also going to get feedback on our green reading.

Visio Mirrored Putting Gate Golf Training Aid


The Mirrored Putting Gate is going to give you great feedback on your ability to start the ball on line. It’s going to give you feedback on clubface alignment at address. It’s going to give you feedback on your green reading. It’s even going to give you feedback on speed control. Once that device is lined up on a breaking putt, you’re going to have to match the speed in order to make the putt so it’s a very versatile putting training aid, which is going to help you develop the key skills you need to practice with purpose and hole more putts.

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Phil Kenyon

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