The Players Bundle from Visio includes a number of our top Putting Training Aids to give golfers the tools they need to improve, practice with purpose and lower their scores. We have incorporated some of our most popular training aids into a pack geared to help you get better at golf.
The Players Bundle includes:
- Visio Mi Putting Template including case – Black Edition (select your template class – see our fitting guide in description below for more info)
- Visio Putting Laser including new & improved carry case, tripod stand, battery and charger
- Visio Putting Gate Pack, including carry pouch, 3 x putting gates and 1 x pair of indoor gate stands
- Visio Bag Towel and alignment aid, doubles up as golf towel, green protector when practising putting, inclusive of alignment and stroke length guide
- Visio Phantom Holes, great for use on the practice ground, during practice rounds and for use at home and indoors
*The Players Bundle is a limited time offer.
The Mi Putting Template Black Edition
Open template calculator How to choose your putting Template (PDF)
Key Features
- New improved design
- New material for improved durability
- New visual and kinaesthetic feedback
- New protective case included
The Mi Putting Template Black Edition
Mi Putting Template is a putting training aid designed to give you visual and kinaesthetic feedback on your putting stroke
The template will give you precise feedback on the trajectory of the sweet spot (which determines the path and strike) and the face angle (which is the primary variable that controls direction). The key technical components of the putting stroke.
The Science behind the Putting Template
It is commonly known that the putting stroke conceptually should resemble some form of an arc. An arc is part of a circle.
That arc or part of the circle is 3 dimensional. The trajectory of the sweet spot works up and inside on the backswing, back down and out in the downswing and then back up and in, on the forward swing.
Stroke Plane and Radius
The strength of the players arc (the size of that part of the circle) will be determined by the inclined plane that the circle lies on and the radius of the circle.
In golfing terms, the radius can be best viewed as the centre of the players rotation and the inclined plane is the angle that centre of rotation lies within/works along.
As you can appreciate, different players will create different centres of rotation and work them on different inclined planes. The template essentially represents what the arc would look like as a 2D projection along the ground.
The different templates represent the different inclined planes and radius typically created by the golfer.
Fig 2. Different Radius prescribe different size circles. The radius will be generated by the centre of rotation for the stroke | Fig 3. Different Inclined planes generated by the golfer. This can be affected by set up and motion of the golfer |
Template Classifications
The New Series of 5 templates represent the 5 most found arc “sizes”. These different “sizes” also account for the multiple inclined planes and radius combinations. E.g.: 2 players could have different planes but having a different radius also could result in them having the same arc and the same template.
Hence the 5 template sizes can cover a multitude of different strokes from different folks!
Along with the projection of the curvature of the stroke the Mi Putting Template also displays the club face angle of the putter, as it would look if square to the arc of the stroke.
The No 1 classification represents a shallow arc and the No 5 represents a strong arc with a progression in between from 1 to 5.
*The Original Visio template was based on a 120cm radius. This would be a commonly found radius. That radius was matched to inclined planes of 12, 15, 18 and 21 degree.The new series of templates based upon the old 120 radius would match the arc created on inclined planes of 8, 12,16,20 and 24 degrees.
How to select your putting template (powered by Capto Technology)
With the help of Dr Luca Menci, inventor of Capto we have created a matrix to help you decide on which template would match the key ingredients of your stroke.
To understand more about how to calculate your ideal template download the link below
Click here to download “How to help choose your putting Template”
The document will help specifically identify your stroke plane and stroke radius. Those two elements will allow us to predict the most suitable template for you.
Once you have identified your radius and stroke please use the Matrix below to calculate your classification
Alternatively, you may already have this information from a measuring device such as Capto.
Template Calculator
Click here for the template calculator
Template Fitting Guide
Benefits of The Putting Template
The visual references and markings will help you assess and practice your stroke shape and face control as well as get clear feedback on your ability to hit your start line.
Practicing with such a purpose will allow you to feel what good mechanics are to help you take that feel on the golf course and hole more putts.
Functionality of the Template
The arc of the stroke is aligned so that the projected path at impact is perfectly square to the ball to target line, which is also referenced on the Mi Putting Template. A common preference for many golfers and teaching professionals is to ensure the putter face is square to the path of the stroke, particularly through the hitting area and that the path is pointing down the ball to target line at impact.
The Mi Putting Template will give you a reference for club head rotation relative to each arc. Training with the Mi Putting Template will help you start a ball online with impact conditions that will also minimise excessive side spin and promote a better ball roll to help distance, control and accuracy.
The Mi Putting Template also comes with holes strategically placed where you can fix tee pegs to help physically constrain the stroke to the shape of each individual arc. Tee pegs can also be placed in these holes to help keep the template fixed flat on the ground. Holes are also located at the end of the template where the ball must exit in between if the ball is to start your ball to target line. Tee pegs can be placed in the holes or you can use the ‘Visio Putting Gates’ to give you feedback on the club face angle at impact and the accuracy of your start line. The inner hole locations (closest to the centre of the template) give you a 49mm gate width which will allow you no more than approximately 0.5 degrees of error.
The middle set of holes are designed for the 50mm Visio Putting Gate. This gate at this location will give you a maximum of 0.6 degrees of error. Tee pegs used at this location will give you a maximum of 1 degree of error. The outer hole locations are designed for the 55mm Visio Putting Gate. This gate at this location will give you no more than 1 degree of error. Tee pegs used at this location will give a maximum of 1.4 degree of error. Using the different hole locations and the different ranges of error will test the accuracy and ability to start your ball on your line.
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