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Improve Your Putting: Learn To Line Up The Ball Accurately

Visio Golf - Phil Kenyon with Francesco Molinari Ryder Cup

Putting is often referred to as the ‘scoring zone’ in golf, and lining up the golf ball accurately with your chosen read is a crucial aspect of sinking those critical putts. Achieving proper alignment on the putting green can greatly improve your chances of success. Here, we will explore effective techniques and strategies to help you line up your golf ball accurately with your chosen read, enhancing your putting precision and confidence.

Read the Green

Before aligning your ball, take the time to read the green and assess its slope, break, and speed. Walk around the putt from different angles, observing the contours and subtle undulations. Pay attention to the gradients of the slope between your ball and the hole location. This comprehensive evaluation will provide valuable insights into how your ball will roll and break.

Visualise the Target Line

Once you have analysed the green, try to visualise the target line from your ball to the hole. Mentally project the ideal journey your ball should travel on to reach and go into the hole. This visualisation helps create a mental picture of the desired trajectory, guiding your alignment process.

Select a Spot on the Ground

Identify a specific spot or mark on the ground a few inches in front of your ball, along the target line. This spot serves as an intermediate target, allowing you to focus your attention and align your ball accurately. It can be a discolouration, a blade of grass, or any other distinct feature on the green that aligns with your intended path.

Position the Ball

Place your ball on the green, precisely aligning it with the chosen spot on the ground. Take your time and ensure that the alignment of the ball matches the intended starting line. Pay attention to the ball’s logo or line that you might have drawn onto the ball to guide you in achieving the desired orientation.

Double-checking the line used on the ball

A simple yet effective way that you can check if the line on your ball is accurately aimed with your intended start line direction is known as ‘Scoping’. This is a concept of using one side of the putter shaft, usually the side which matches your dominant eye and aligning it with the line of the ball and your intended start line.

Square Your Putter Face

Position your putter behind the ball, aligning the putter face perpendicular to the target line. Visualise an imaginary line extending from the putter face through the chosen spot on the ground. This step helps establish a square alignment and ensures that the putter face is aimed correctly at your intended start line direction.

Adopt a Consistent Setup Position

Maintain a consistent setup position for each putt. This includes grip, stance, and posture. Consistency in your setup routine promotes good habits and enhances your ability to align accurately and consistently over time. Take a moment to align your body parallel to the intended start line, reinforcing the desired alignment.

Visual Confirmation

Before initiating your stroke, visually confirm the alignment of the ball, putter face, and intermediate target spot. Trust your eyes and make any necessary adjustments if you notice misalignment. Confidence in your alignment is key to executing a smooth and confident putting stroke.

Execute Your Putting Stroke

Once you are confident in your alignment, focus on executing a smooth and controlled putting stroke. Maintain a steady tempo, maintain your head position, and strike the ball cleanly. Trust your read, alignment, and stroke, allowing the ball to roll along the intended target line towards the hole.

Reflect and Adjust

After each putt, take a moment to evaluate the result. Pay attention to any deviations from your intended line and adjust your alignment if needed. Observe how the ball breaks, reacts to the green’s contours and gradient of slope, and assess any adjustments required for future putts on similar lines.


Proper alignment of the golf ball is a critical component of successful putting on the green. By following these guidelines and techniques, you can enhance your ability to line up accurately with your chosen read. Remember to read the green thoroughly, visualise the target line, select an intermediate spot, position the ball precisely, square your putter face, maintain a consistent setup, visually confirm alignment, execute your stroke confidently, and reflect on the results.

With practice and attention to detail, you can develop a reliable and effective process for lining up your golf ball, ultimately improving your putting accuracy and overall performance on the greens.


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Phil Kenyon

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