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Drill InstructionsPlace the ‘Start Line Trainer’ on to the ground aligned in the direction that you want to roll the ball. Take x2 TRUVIS balls positioned so the diameter of each ball is directly over the inner holes which are designed to form the gate for the 3 different width settings seen on the graphic below […]


Drill InstructionsStart by positioning each of the coloured ‘Putting Gates’ at specific distance from the ball and across your chosen target line. This will create a specific putter face angle of error that you will need to achieve to successfully putt the ball through each gate.For example on a straight 10ft putt, you will need […]


Drill InstructionsPosition both TRUVIS balls at each end of the black centre line printed on the template and just wider than the putter head width from toe to heel, this will form a gate.Your goal is to not make contact with either of the x2 TRUVIS balls during your stroke. If you contact either one of the TRUVIS […]

The Visio Mi Putting Template

The Mi Putting TemplateThe ‘Mi Putting Template’ is probably our most popular training aid in the Visio range of products. It is not only used by some of the ‘Best Golfers in the World’, but in 2017 it was chosen by the famous golf publication ‘Golf Digest’ as the winner of the coveted ‘Editors Choice […]

USPGA Discount Code

To coincide with the last major of the year Visio are offering free shipping on all Visio products. Just use discount code Visio@USPGAFollow us on twitter and retweet our promo tweet to enter a free prize draw for a Visio Putting Mirror. You just have to name the player using the Visio putting Mirror at […]

US Open Discount Weekend

To coincide with the first Major since the Visio Brand launch we are running a US Open discount weekend with 15% off all Visio products through to the completion of play on SundayTo take advantage of the offer use the discount code #USOpen2014 when placing your order.The Mirrored Putting Gate in action at Pinehurst